Tamarind, especially sour tamarind makes an excellent preserve. It has a very sour flavour, if you reduce the sugar you get a very source marmalade like preserve, but here I've included enough sugar to bring it to sweetness. Add the pinch of salt, it improves the flavour enormously.
180 gms Sour Tamarind (Remove the seeds & skin)100 gms Sugar5-6 Tablespoons WaterA Pinch of Salt
Preparation1. Mix all the ingredients together and blend it until smooth.2. Place a plate in the freezer, this will be used to test the jam.3. Put it in a saucepan, and bring to the boil, stirring and boiling to reduce the liquid.4. We want a thick jam, to check if it's thick enough, spoon a little onto the cold plate straight from the freezer. Let it cool (or put it back in the freezer for a few minutes). Push it with your finger to make sure it's the right consistency.5. Spoon it into a jar and leave to cool.
[Source: Appon's Thai Food Recipes]
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