Som Tam, the famous (or rather infamous) chilli-papaya salad has many variants. This is Som Tam Mia Noi, Mia Noi means minor wife. The name is because it has many ingredients the same as a wandering husband has many girlfriends! Here I've made it with cucumber as it's main ingredient. If you don't like the monosodium glutamate in this recipe, you can use sugar, but MSG is the correct thing to use here.
100 gms Cucumber ( Grated )100 gms Carrots ( Grated )100 gms Bamboo ( Grated )100 gms Soya Bean Sprouts100 gms Sausage Sliced100 gms Cooked Shrimp 5-8 Large Chillies1-2 Garlic Cloves2-3 Cherry Tomatoes1 Tablespoon Shrimp Paste2-3 Tablespoons Fish Sauce (or old fish sauce)1/2 Teaspoon Monosodium Glutamate1-2 Tablespoons Lemon Juice
Preparation1. Pounds the chillies, garlic and shrimp paste together in a Thai mortar.2. Add the fish sauce, cherry tomatoes, MSG, lemon juice and continue pounding.3. Add all the remaining ingredients and mix.4. Taste and adjust the seasoning.Serve with raw cabbage and lettuce
[Source: Appon's Thai Food Recipes]
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